Digital Forensics
We are a team of digital experts with a well-equipped lab to help individuals, organizations & government bodies carry out forensic analysis & data recovery.
Unusual cases need compelling & accurate digital evidence.
We carry out forensic investigations, audio & video analysis to help our clients with the answers they are looking for, we are equipped with a team of trained experts that you can trust.
Identify: Preserve, secure, transport, and store the digital evidence (chain of custody).
Authenticate: Confirm the forensic image is identical to the original (forensically sound).
Report: Thoroughly document the data investigation process and results of the analysis.
Time to discover the missing digital evidence.
Take advantage of this experiential investigation by using a fully secured system that helps discover encrypted data, detect device location, get digital evidence & generate detailed reports from retrieved data.
We help you extract data, even if it is hidden or deleted.
We can help you analyse files, enhance audio & video footage to get detailed information.
We can help you retrieve information from your devices using our extraction tools.
We prepare well detailed reports that can be used for evidence in cases.
How we can help
Digital Forensics has different applications in various sectors to suit client needs & legal cases.
Let's help you get answers using special tools.
We help our clients track, record & securely store data from analysed digital forensic samples collected using our specialized tools.